Aku rasa, aku cerita. Aku baca, aku cerita.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Segmen : Serious Follow Back

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Baru teringat ada berhutang tag dengan Cik Aien untuk join segmen serious follow back.

Sila tekan banner di atas untuk keterangan lanjut 

Apa sebab join?
Truthfully, sebab ditag dan sebagai menjaga hubungan antara blogger.
Lagipun memang join segmen ni tak susah, tapi kadang-kadang bila kemalasan melanda diri, ape pon tak boleh.
Tag sorang eh? Hm~
Nak tag Cik Eyqa Hasnan lah.
(Kalo sempat, buat la eh cik adik~)

p/s : Yang mana saya terlepas pandang tu, minta maaf deh.

17 buah fikiran:

Eyqa Hasnan said... [Reply to comment]

hehe . thanks sebab sudi taggg :)

anNaqia said... [Reply to comment]

Eyqa Hasnan: no problem my dear. :)

CikTeddyCorner said... [Reply to comment]

hoho..serius nih!

anNaqia said... [Reply to comment]

O CIKTEDDY: sangat serius! teehee. :P

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

salam singgah. Thanks sudi join. Selamat bersegment. Dan sudah follow blog ini. Dari segment yang sama dan juga pengajur segment.

Cik Puan Muda Umi said... [Reply to comment]

hi..datang dari segmen yg sama..harap follow back ye dan komen sekali..

salam perkenalan..;)


Wanieys a.k.a IbuQalief said... [Reply to comment]

Dari segmen sama^^
Wanieys follow sini =.=
Awak serious follow back keyh
Salam perkenalan^^


Pecinta pink^^ said... [Reply to comment]

salam saya dtg singgah..dtg dri segmen same..serius dah follow..hikhik,,jmput ke http://akmaluv90.blogspot.com/2012/04/segment-serious-follow-back.html thanx:)

YumeeDream said... [Reply to comment]

hi , sudah follow blog ini :) follow back yee ^^
dari segmen yang sama ...


eyda lha ♥ said... [Reply to comment]

Dari segmen yg same
done follow awak :)
jom singgah and follow blog saya :)

icumm said... [Reply to comment]

icumm serius follow sini...serius follow icumm balik ye ^^


SyieraDahhari said... [Reply to comment]

follower name : ieraassyiera.blogspot.com

Serius follow sini :)
Serius follow back ya :)


happy blogging :D

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

datang dari segment yang sama. follow sini ye?



MISS Z BERCELOTEH said... [Reply to comment]

Kompom serius!!
dah follow dah blog ne..
meh ke blog miss z pula...


dah join segmen miss z tak?
kalau belum meh join


Momo said... [Reply to comment]

done follow...


9n0L4 said... [Reply to comment]

seriesly done follow. 504. ;)


missp0tpet said... [Reply to comment]

folow sy yea...thanks..


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