Aku rasa, aku cerita. Aku baca, aku cerita.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My danbo

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Danbo is a character from a manga called Yotsuba&! (click here for more information). The name Danbo is a pun on Japanese word for corrugated cardboard danboru. If I'm not mistaken, I started to fancy Danbo when one of my friends posted the picture of the Danbo in facebook. Usually, people make the Danbo as the main character of quotes or situation. After quite a while googled about the Danbo, I've taken an initiative to make Danbo on my own.

The template of the Danbo I've got from DeviantART. I've printed the Danbo's template on A4 paper.

1) Preparation
Before started make sure that you are occupied enough with the stationeries

2) Glued the A4 paper to a manila card
To make it firm

3) Danbo's part close up
Without the joints

4) Fold
Using the glue

5) Assemble
Without gluing it to each other

Finally, my Danbo dah menjadi, ada lah sikit rupa Danbo tu kan? My Danbo is not a moveable one since it doesn't have joints. That's all for Danbo day. Try lah! You can search video of making Danbo in youtube to get a clearer picture.

p/s: I've given my first Danbo to my liltle sister. Hopefully, she can glue the parts to each other.

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