Allergy is a disorder(or improper reaction) of the immune system often also referred to as atopy. Allergic reactions occur to normally harmless environmental substances known as allergens; these reactions are acquired, predictable, and rapid.
huh! penerangannye~
nape tajuk d atas dipilih?
sbb skrg aku selsema. aku rase aku allergic ngan debu-debu. haish! hamper2 demam kura-kura nihs. terseksa jiwe rage.
yang aku tahu allergic ni, cuma pada kulit. rupa-rupanya tak. antara organ-organ yang terlibat dgn gejala allergic :- sbb skrg aku selsema. aku rase aku allergic ngan debu-debu. haish! hamper2 demam kura-kura nihs. terseksa jiwe rage.
- hidung
- mata
- peparu
- telinga
- airways (part of respiratory system- pernafasan)
- gastrointestinal tract (digestive tract - penghadaman)
kata mak, allergic ni bhy. tambah-tambah kalo alergic kt airways. kalo lmbt dpt ubat, laluan pernafasan ley tertutup. besar kemungkinan akan mati kelemasan. sbb tu la, kalo allergic, kte xley ambil mudah.
anything can be allergen (a substance that can cause an allergic reaction)
- dust, pollen, plants, medications, certain foods, insect venoms, viruses or bacteria
bercakap tentang insect venom, my lil sis, acik, allergic pd lebah, tebuan dan seangkatan dgn serangga itu. ke'allergic' an dia dketahui sewaktu seekor lebah berkunjung di umh ku. terkena pd kulitnya, satu bdn dia gatal-gatal. dlm adik-beradik kitorg, acik la paling banyak skali allergic.
katanye lagi..
One of the most serious Type 1 allergic reactions is asthma, characterized by bronchial spasms and excess mucus secreted in the lungs. Asthma is often triggered by pollen, molds, animal dander, and airborne environmental pollutants.
rupa-rupanya asma pn adalah penyakit allergic. mase aku kecik-kecik dlu, aku pn ade asma. pernah merasa pakai inhaler(a medical device used for delivering medication into the body via the lungs) tu. alhamdulillah, skrg da xde.
katenye lagi dan lagi..nk rawat allergic ni, kte kne tau dlu, kite ni allergic kt benda ape. kalo aku, memang kne merasa dlu sakit allergic tu, br lah tau ape yg tubuh bdn aku allergic.
The best way to cope with food allergies of any kind is to identify and eliminate the allergens.
By treating your allergies naturally with things like vitamins, minerals, and herbs, you also boost and strengthen your immune system and provide adrenal support. In other words, not only are you fighting your allergy symptoms, you're also helping your body fight illness down the line.
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